The Losers is the newest comic book turned into a movie. The movie follows well...The Losers, an elite task force. Through an unfortunate series of events there ties with the government are cut and they find themselves stranded in Bolivia. Their fearless leader Clay(Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is determined to get his team back to the states. All seems lost until a mysterious woman Aisha(Zoe Saldana) offers them a way home. There is one catch though, upon their return to the states they must find and kill the person who placed them in their current situation. This as we find out is easier said than done....
Jared's Take: The Losers is the perfect summer action movie, it has action, humor, and serious moments blended into one. The cast felt perfect together and the movie was acted very well. The CG, when it was used, was not over the top and it was believable.
Now for the bad. The story is a bit rushed at the beginning you get a very fast introduction to each of the characters, but I wish that they went a little deeper into the character bio. You never feel fully invested in the characters and their plight. I also believe that some of the scenes that were shot could have been left out as they served no real purpose.
Overall, The Losers was entertaining at best and is at least worth seeing once. Hopefully, as the series progresses the movies will get better.
Rent It.......
Allan's Take
Likes: I really liked the different uses of lighting and how it helped transition different scenes. The action is good. There's a lot of particular things you see that I haven't seen happen in a movie before. A good bit of it you see in the trailer though. Also the acting was good once I got use to it and understood what each character was supposed to be like (I haven't read the book).
Dislikes: The only real problem I had with "The Losers" was following the story all the way through. I kept getting a little lost but then picked up on what was happening later. That may be due to own feeble mindedness though.
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