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The AJ Movie Review

Friday, March 27, 2009

Review - Haunting In Connecticut

Haunting In Connecticut is the latest movie to come out in the 'haunted house' genre. There are several films belonging to this genre, most notably 1979's The Amityville Horror (based on a novel and was also remade in 2005) and 1963's The Haunting (also inevitably remade in 1999).
Like The Amityville Horror, Haunting In Connecticut claims to be based on true events.

Whenever someone makes a movie that's immediately going to similar previous movies, it must follow certain criteria. Mainly it needs to be unpredictable and contribute something new to the genre. Sadly Haunting fails in both these areas. It's one of the most predictable movies I've ever seen. I could cue when some 'scary' thing was gonna jump out. There's really nothing in this movie that haven't see before.

One thing that could have made it better: I kept hoping that the for some reason the police would be called in...who in turn would have to call in the FBI...and BANG there's Mulder & Scully on the case. But it didn't...

For someone who's new to this type of movie you may wanna go see it but for most everyone else...FX It.

Haunting In Connecticut - FX It

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