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The AJ Movie Review

Friday, June 17, 2011

Green Lantern

Green Lantern tells the origin story of one of the most famous members of the Lantern Corps, Hal Jordan(Ryan Reynolds). At the edges of the universe there is a dark entity Parallax who feeds on the fear of other beings and while his motives are unknown at first his presence threatens the entire universe. The strongest member of the Lantern Corps, Abin Sur was the only Green Lantern able to imprison him. Unfortunately, Parallax breaks free and attacks Abin Sur who narrowly escapes, but is mortally wounded. His ship lands on earth and in one of his final acts he tells his ring to search for his replacement. The ring chooses Hal Jordan, a less than humble test pilot who has great potential, but will he accept this great responsibility or shirk it off as he does with most everything else....

Green Lantern is one of the best superhero origin movies to date in my opinion. The story is simple and not convoluted like some of the more recent superhero films. The acting on all parts are good. The dialogue is a tad bit thin and doesn't get complex or deep, but that is forgivable. Overall, the movie itself is reserved in the way that it plays out. The tone of it reminds me of the first Sam Raimi Spiderman film. The CGI looked mostly realistic and was about as good as it could be for a movie about a member of the Green Lantern Corps. The 3D was awesome and looked good, but at this point I honestly can't see any real discernible difference between the 3D used in this film and the last 3 films I have seen within the last month that used 3D.

I don't really have anything negative to say about the film. This was a solid origin film. I will say that since this film was more reserved, if and when they make a sequel there will have to be more force added to it.

To be honest I really liked Green Lantern and if you have the chance to see it you should definitely.......

GO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I like the looks of this one, glad to see such a good review!


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