The highly anticipated fourth installment of the Pirates Of The Caribbean franchise, titled On Stranger Tides, has sailed into theatres this weekend. It of course stars Johnny Depp as *CAPTAIN*Jack Sparrow and also includes return appearances of Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) and Gibbs (Kevin McNally). Joining the new adventure is Penelope Cruz as Angelica and Ian McShane as the legendary pirate Blackbeard.
The basic plot revolves around the British competing in a race against the Spanish to locate the Fountain Of Youth. To accomplish this the King Of England has brought on Barbossa to lead the expedition. However, the race becomes more intriguing when Jack gets involved after a run in with a girl from his past, Angelica, which leads on board the ship of Blackbeard-who is also searching out the Fountain. And the plot thickens from there...
Allan's Take:
Allan's Take:
On Stranger Tides could be my favorite of series since the original. It's hard to say because I like all of them. It includes all the clever action sequences and humor everyone has come to expect. But what I really like is all the new ideas and creative use of new mythical things. The mermaids were awesome and quite scary at times. All the mythology surrounding the Fountain Of Youth was well thought of and presented nicely. Blackbeard was well conceived and wonderfully portrayed by McShane.
In addition to McShane all the acting was great. It doesn't get much better than having the Depp and Geoffrey Rush in the same movies. Penelope also did well.
I really enjoyed On Stranger Tides and thought it was more than worth the ticket price...GO NOW!
Jared's Take:
On Stranger Tides is possibly the best movie in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. It rivals the first one for the best storyline of all four movies. I believe the reason for this is the fact that it is not bogged down by a love story that is dragged across three movies. Don't get me wrong though, the first three pirates movies are among my favorite movies of all time. As Allan stated the acting was top notch and what you would expect. The 3D was done very well and if you do go to see it you should go to the 3D showing.
Overall, On Stranger Tides has that sense of adventure that the first movie captured very well. Not only that, but the characters have an overall goal that they are trying to reach.
If you can't tell this is more than a ringing endorsement this is me screaming........
GO NOW!!!!!!!!
Jared's Take:
On Stranger Tides is possibly the best movie in the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. It rivals the first one for the best storyline of all four movies. I believe the reason for this is the fact that it is not bogged down by a love story that is dragged across three movies. Don't get me wrong though, the first three pirates movies are among my favorite movies of all time. As Allan stated the acting was top notch and what you would expect. The 3D was done very well and if you do go to see it you should go to the 3D showing.
Overall, On Stranger Tides has that sense of adventure that the first movie captured very well. Not only that, but the characters have an overall goal that they are trying to reach.
If you can't tell this is more than a ringing endorsement this is me screaming........
GO NOW!!!!!!!!